Thirrje te hapura

Anëtarësimi I UGJ në Organizata dhe Shoqata ndërkombëtare

Universiteti “E.Çabej”  prej 10/02/2006  anetar I Balkan Universities Network. 

Në 20/09/2008 anëtarësohet në  International Association of University,  IAU

Në 24/09/2008 Universiteti u anëtarësua në CUM ( Community of Mediterranean Universities).  Prej 02/11/2008 Universiteti është  anëtar i ESREA – Europian Society for Research on the Education of Adults ,

UGJ në 22/11/2008 u anëtarësua në  Balkan Association of Pedagogical and Related Faculties, Shoqatës Ballkanike të Fakulteteve të Edukimit.

Anëtarësimi në këto shoqata është një pikë e fortë e universitetit, sepse:

  • ndihmon pedagogët për të marrë pjesë në konferenca të ndryshme
  • krijon mundësi për ndërtime bashkëpunimi mes universitetit tonë dhe homologëve tanë në Europë e më gjerë;
  • mundëson shkëmbimin e përvojës mes pedagogëve;
  • mundëson botime artikujsh të pedagogëve tanë në revista shkencore të universiteteve homologë perëndimorë si dhe artikuj të tyre në revistat tona  shkencore.

BKSTONE projekt Erasmus +

Linku i projektit:


In the context of the Dissemination and Exploitation of “Higher Education-Enterprise platform for fostering, modernisation and Sustainable growth in natural stone industry in Western Balkans”– BKSTONE Project, Albanian partner have organized on 10 May 2022 the national workshop with the participation of Polytechnic University of Tirana, University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”, University of Gjirokastër “Eqrem Çabej” and different stakeholders including stone industry enterprises, HEIs and Public institutions such as Municipality, Administrative Division representatives, Prefecture.

The workshop is hosted in the premises of University of Gjirokastër with 42 participants. The aim was to disseminate and transfer the knowledge to the main target groups of the project.

Special emphasis is made to the products developed until now and to the impact that these developments will have on stone industry.

During the workshop the participants were introduced to the state of art of the project presented by Polytechnic University of Tirana; to the results, outcomes and methodologies used to achieve them presented by University of Gjirokastra; and to the current situation of Marketing strategies used by Albanian Companies in Stone Sector presented by University of Elbasan.

The developments and results of the BKSTONE Project are also broadcasted in the local media of the region:

Universiteti “Eqrem Çabej” pjesë e panairit #EU4Education

Universiteti “Eqrem Çabej” ishte pjesë e panairit të organizuar nga zyra e Delegacionit Europian në Shqipëri, #EU4Education Fair mes 17 universiteteve të tjera shqiptare. Në panair u prezantuan projektet e financuara nga BE ku UGJ është partner ose koordinator, si dhe programet e shkëmbimit ku studentët tanë kanë qenë apo do të jenë pjesë në kuadër të programit Erasmus+. Nje vend i vecante iu kushtua projektit BKSTONE. Te pranishmit kishin mundesine qe permes fletepalosjeve te njiheshin me projektin, partneret pjesemarres, objektivat dhe rezultatet e pritshme te tij.

Fletepalosje  (faqe 1&2)

Disseminations activities:

BKSTONE- Higher Education-Enterprise Platform for Fostering Modernization and Sustainable Growth in Natural Stone Industry in Western Balkans


Partner Country: “Eqrem Cabej” University of Gjirokastra-UOGJ

  1. Preparation Work Package

Photo 1. Academic Staff involved in the project

During the meeting, te participants discussed the project general and specific objectives as well as  the activities that need to be undertaken for the full realization of the goal.

Responsibilities were also distributed and full commitment was required to perform the tasks successfully.

2.  Disseminations of the project targets to Stone Industries Company:

2.1. Meetings of the Work Group  with the Manager  of BUCI SHPK Company:

Realized during the September /October 2020

The project:  BKSTONE- Higher Education-Enterprise Platform for Fostering Modernization and Sustainable Growth in Natural Stone Industry in Western Balkans


Photo 1. Team members discussing with the manager at  BUCI SHPK stone company.

Summary of the discussion The firm started operating 20 years ago. The initiation for the establishment of this stone activity has been the family tradition, the great and continuous demand of the domestic and foreign market as well as the presence of stony layers in this territory, favored by the limestone lithology.

The processing of stone undergoes a series of stages:

Stage 1: Cutting of stone (slates or blocks coming from the excavation site) or quarry.

Phase 2: The stone is given the desired format (according to the requirements of the customer).

Phase 3: Sculpting as desired by order.

Phase 4: Placing stone blocks in structures to transport them to the customer The company works for the entire domestic market, as well as for the foreign market (Greek, Italian, French and Australian market). The remains of stone breeds are crushed and used in the production of mortar and other construction products, without causing pollution or environmental disturbances. The company was willing to cooperate in terms of practice for VET students.

Photo 2. Stone slates (BUCI SHPK)
Photo 3. Machineries (FORK – BUCI SHPK)
Photo 4. Machineries  (Crane – BUCI SHPK)
  • Dissemination of the project and project activities through social media.

On the official website of “Eqrem Cabej” University of Gjirokastra we have created a special space dedicated to BkStone project where general information about the project, a brief description of it, its general and specific objectives and a chronological flow of activities which will be enriched during the time can be found.